Wellbeing Matters

What it means to live a good life to the very end. A health policy colleague suggested that I read Being Mortal by Atul Gwande MD. It wasn’t what I expected but I always enjoy Dr. Gwande’s books. His stories give us such good insight into some of the biggest...

Purpose + Impact

Three principles for leading with purpose and positively impacting the world. I’ve been reading some of the report outs from the JPM Healthcare conference this week. As expected with a financially oriented conference, there was a lot of discussion about growth, profit...

Infinite Mindset

Why leaders need to shift focus to their Just Cause. Collectively we can have the biggest impact on the health of Americans by shifting our mindset and implementing policies that support all stakeholders – not just shareholders.  Infinite Mindset I’ve been...

Tell me more

Three words that can transform a conflict into a fresh start. When speaking with someone you disagree with, the most courageous thing you could do is simply say “tell me more”. I’ve been thinking about communication skills lately. No matter how suave of a communicator...

Building Courage

Courage is the willingness to do something that frightens oneself.  In a business context it usually requires people to do the right thing rather than acting in their own financial interest. Doing the right thing is frightening for those with a lot to loose. Ethics...