Fast Money

Why it might be even harder to swing for the fences? I met with an equity analyst a few weeks ago who used the term fast money. The term really resonated with me as a description for what I’ve been seeing in healthcare [aka: out-of-network strategy, balanced billing...

Talk is Cheap

Why business leaders need to act now. I met with the CEO of a mental health company last year and remember asking him “what’s the answer” to some of the biggest challenges that we’re facing. Talking is good but if there is no solution for the problems, then what? It’s...

Wellbeing Matters

What it means to live a good life to the very end. A health policy colleague suggested that I read Being Mortal by Atul Gwande MD. It wasn’t what I expected but I always enjoy Dr. Gwande’s books. His stories give us such good insight into some of the biggest...

Building Courage

Courage is the willingness to do something that frightens oneself.  In a business context it usually requires people to do the right thing rather than acting in their own financial interest. Doing the right thing is frightening for those with a lot to loose. Ethics...

Healthcare Finance 2.0

Can healthcare companies do well and do good? We’ve reached a crisis point in healthcare and we can’t financially engineer our way out of it by simply shifting risk and costs. It’s time for healthcare finance 2.0. We need to start looking at the big...