
Why we need to take scientific predictions seriously. The crisis that we’re experiencing now was reportedly predicted 10 years ago by Peter Turchin, researcher at the University of Connecticut. He used a computer model of past uprisings and economic factors including...

Lasting Results

Why leaders need to shift their focus to long term. I spent a decade talking about lasting and long term results while marketing an e-learning solution to the healthcare industry. The words fell flat. The value of training and development takes resources and time...

Meaningful Innovation

Why we should be focused on food now. Did you catch Eric Schmidt on Face the Nation this weekend? He’s helping leaders reimagine parts of the economy. Interestingly, he touched on many of the topics covered in the Weekly Rush over the last several months including...

National Dialogue

The role for healthcare leaders in a national dialogue. I needed some repairs done over the weekend and got an ear full from the handyman. He couldn’t contain his emotions about the economic impact Covid19 is having on everyone. Who can blame him? Mixed into some...

Covid19 Stimulus

How long can stimulus be used to sustain the economy? I’ve been reading Paul Krugman’s latest book, Arguing with Zombies to better understand the stimulus funding and debt. The numbers are eye popping. Economic stimulus is a proven way to restore confidence...