Learn the three Ds

Learn how to use the three Ds to make better decisions. The three Ds are Discussion, Debate and Decision from the process of “Get Stuff Done” described in the book Radical Candor. I happen to be reading the book this week and used the three Ds as a framework for...

Lean In for Healthcare

Why we need to “Lean In together” for healthcare. One of my sisters asked me when Lean In was first published if I had read the book. Even though it was getting great reviews, I had no desire to read about another women’s struggles in business and life — no matter who...

Structure to Win

How to structure healthcare organizations to win. Organizational structure is the foundation for how people communicate, collaborate and perform on the job and affects overall performance of the company. Most people talk about organizational cultural as being one of...

Success with Wellness

Insights from the FitBit Captivate conference. There is no silver bullet for increasing engagement in wellness programs. However, successful programs with higher than average participation have common elements.  5 Elements of Successful Wellness Programs: 1/ Offer...

Keep it Simple

How to make it easy for employees to succeed. Einstein was famously quoted saying “Make everything as simple as possible…”. Keep it Simple may sound like common sense for some however, making a product or process simple takes a lot of work. For large...

The Benefit Gap

Why picking the right insurance plan is hard for consumers. Purchasing health insurance is kind of like purchasing a specialty light bulb. There are more bulb options than you can ever imagine. Standing in front of the wall of bulbs once you’re at the store, you’ve...